2025 NEWS
(For the best mobile viewing experience, please go to www.winklerminorbasketball.weebly.com)
Hello Winkler and area basketball community.
Please click link below (or copy paste to your browser)
This is your 2025 Basketball Registration:
Please Read Prior to Registration!
Changes this year:
New Registration platform from TeamSnap -
The link will be provided on this page starting on February 5th at 5pm and remain for at least one week. You will be asked limited information about the participants name & grade plus the parent or guardian contact information. A successfully completed registration is recognized when payment has been fulfilled.
Payment Info: Preferred method of payment is by credit card, follow the online registration prompts.
If credit card payment is not possible, please select "cash" as method of payment.
If eTransfer is desired, also select "cash" and then send payment to [email protected]
If neither payment option works for you, select "cash" to complete the initial registration, knowing that your payment has not be processed and then please send us an email so we can service you independently.
New Team Format -
This year we'll have a trained and experienced head coach's in each age category overseeing training drills and game experience. Our goal is to have more intentional training and better game time experience with equally established playing capabilities. This was a concern we are addressing from previous years.
Larger Club Size -
Through our new design and aggressive pursuit of gym space, we're able to bring more participants in this year while still keeping the team sizes manageable.
Registration standby -
Although our club size is larger, in the event we sell out our inventory, we'll have the ability to automatically direct your wishes to register via waiting list.
Communications -
With the use of the TeamSnap app, which you will be given an invitation to during the registration, we will dramatically enhance our ability to communicate globally and also on a per team basis. In the event that we have unforeseen cancellations, this will be much needed improvement.
Executive Structure -
We have a larger, more experienced and passionate executive team this year. With that comes new energy, vision and commitment to serving our basketball community better.
Excellent value -
We remain one of the most affordable basketball clubs in the province at only $75 / participant. We've made considerable investments this year to our structure and design will still maintain a low price.
Evening Play Structure -
The schedule will be sent out shortly for each grade level. As per previous seasons, we'll maintain grade 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 categories for both boys and girls. Evenings will be Tuesday's and Thursday's from March 4th to April 24th. Some blackout's in effect for school priorities.
More on who we are
Winkler Minor Basketball's aim is to promote basketball skill development in young athletes, both male and female, in the Winkler area.
The Executive would like to remind you of a few areas where we need your cooperation.
Parent Supervision
Please be diligent in enforcing the school rules.
Like us on Instagram (@winklerminorbasketball) get information on upcoming camps, clinics, fundraisers, and even when there will be a gym open to come play or even just shoot around to get some extra practice time in. We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about our programs, officiating, training or practice tips.
(For the best mobile viewing experience, please go to www.winklerminorbasketball.weebly.com)
Hello Winkler and area basketball community.
Please click link below (or copy paste to your browser)
This is your 2025 Basketball Registration:
Please Read Prior to Registration!
Changes this year:
New Registration platform from TeamSnap -
The link will be provided on this page starting on February 5th at 5pm and remain for at least one week. You will be asked limited information about the participants name & grade plus the parent or guardian contact information. A successfully completed registration is recognized when payment has been fulfilled.
Payment Info: Preferred method of payment is by credit card, follow the online registration prompts.
If credit card payment is not possible, please select "cash" as method of payment.
If eTransfer is desired, also select "cash" and then send payment to [email protected]
If neither payment option works for you, select "cash" to complete the initial registration, knowing that your payment has not be processed and then please send us an email so we can service you independently.
New Team Format -
This year we'll have a trained and experienced head coach's in each age category overseeing training drills and game experience. Our goal is to have more intentional training and better game time experience with equally established playing capabilities. This was a concern we are addressing from previous years.
Larger Club Size -
Through our new design and aggressive pursuit of gym space, we're able to bring more participants in this year while still keeping the team sizes manageable.
Registration standby -
Although our club size is larger, in the event we sell out our inventory, we'll have the ability to automatically direct your wishes to register via waiting list.
Communications -
With the use of the TeamSnap app, which you will be given an invitation to during the registration, we will dramatically enhance our ability to communicate globally and also on a per team basis. In the event that we have unforeseen cancellations, this will be much needed improvement.
Executive Structure -
We have a larger, more experienced and passionate executive team this year. With that comes new energy, vision and commitment to serving our basketball community better.
Excellent value -
We remain one of the most affordable basketball clubs in the province at only $75 / participant. We've made considerable investments this year to our structure and design will still maintain a low price.
Evening Play Structure -
The schedule will be sent out shortly for each grade level. As per previous seasons, we'll maintain grade 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 categories for both boys and girls. Evenings will be Tuesday's and Thursday's from March 4th to April 24th. Some blackout's in effect for school priorities.
More on who we are
Winkler Minor Basketball's aim is to promote basketball skill development in young athletes, both male and female, in the Winkler area.
The Executive would like to remind you of a few areas where we need your cooperation.
Parent Supervision
Please be diligent in enforcing the school rules.
- Each school requires that we remove our shoes at the entrance.
- Any drinks in the gym must be in a travel mug or sealed container.
- Only the team on the court should be handling the balls. No dribbling on the sidelines for the
safety of all players. - No balls in the hallways.
- No kids running around in the hallways.
- There will always be an executive member present at each gym, so if any other issues arise,
please feel free to let us know.
Like us on Instagram (@winklerminorbasketball) get information on upcoming camps, clinics, fundraisers, and even when there will be a gym open to come play or even just shoot around to get some extra practice time in. We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about our programs, officiating, training or practice tips.